blue read me blog banner 26th Dec 2023

Unlocking Creativity Through Storytelling

In this blog, we will explore the power of storytelling in unlocking creativity among Key Stage One pupils. We will discuss the importance of storytelling, its benefits, and provide you with practical techniques and activities to incorporate storytelling into your classroom. 

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orange pencil blog banner 24th Dec 2023

The Benefits of Using Tactile Resources in the Classroom

In this digital age, it's important not to overlook the power of hands-on learning experiences. Tactile resources provide students with a tangible way to engage with and retain information, making learning more interactive and enjoyable. 

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blue read me blog banner 22nd Dec 2023

The Importance of an Inclusive Writing Environment

Creating an inclusive writing environment is crucial for Key Stage One children as it helps foster a sense of belonging, promotes diversity, and encourages every child to reach their full potential. Inclusivity ensures that no child feels left out or marginalised, and it allows for a safe and supportive space where everyone's ideas and perspectives are valued. 

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red read me blog banner 18th Dec 2023

Top 10 Tips for Teaching Children to Write

Writing is an essential skill that children need to develop, as it helps them communicate effectively and express their thoughts and ideas. Teaching children to write can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and a little bit of creativity, it can also be a fun and rewarding experience. Here are our top 10 tips for teaching children to write.

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Light Blue Pencil blog banner 30th Oct 2023

4 Sentence Formation Exercises for Your Year One Class

Sentence formation exercises are a vital component of Year One literacy teaching. They help young learners develop essential language skills, including grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. These exercises foster creativity, critical thinking, and effective communication. In this blog, we'll explore some exercises you can use in your Year One classroom, highlighting their role in shaping confident communicators and learners for life. 

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Light Blue Pencil blog banner 27th Oct 2023

Instruction Writing Exercises for Key Stage One Classes

Instruction writing is an important skill for young learners to develop, as it helps them to communicate clearly and effectively.  

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Orange read me blog banner 23rd Oct 2023

How Do Children Learn to Write?

It's a fascinating process that involves various stages of development and skill-building. Let's explore the journey of writing for children! 

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Blue pencil blog banner 19th Oct 2023

The Importance of Phonics Instruction in Literacy Development

Phonics is a fundamental aspect of reading and writing, and it plays a critical role in helping children become confident and competent readers. In this blog post, I will discuss why phonics teaching is essential and offer some practical tips for effective implementation. 

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Red pencil blog banner 15th Oct 2023

Lesson Plan: Fun with Phonics!

Welcome to this interactive and engaging phonics lesson plan designed to enhance your pupils' reading and spelling skills! Phonics is a fundamental aspect of literacy development, and with the help of fun and interactive games and activities, your pupils will become confident readers and spellers in no time.

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Orange read me blog banner 13th Oct 2023

Complex Sentence Building Exercises for Key Stage One Children

In this blog, we will share some effective exercises that you can use in your classrooms to support your pupils in constructing complex sentences. 

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Light Blue Pencil blog banner 11th Oct 2023

How to Encourage Writing in Early Years

Writing is a crucial aspect of communication and expression, so it's important to foster a love for it from an early age. Here's how you can encourage writing in the early years. 

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