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The Mighty Writer Impact

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"Significant impact within a week!"

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"Seen a significant impact"

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"Made a significant difference."


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Mighty Writer Impact Evidence

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UK Schools provide empirical evidence
of literacy progress, including:
Engagement, vocabulary, sentence recall, sentence construction, and idea recall.

See the Impact

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Case Study

"Empowering our Children as Writers"

Kelly Jobber Character Frame nameAlice Davies Character Frame name

horns mill transp logoTeachers Kelly and Alice from Horns Mill Primary School transformed pupil literacy. From reception through to Key Stage 2, even the most challenging pupils made exceptional progress!

Read Their Story

Free Primary School Teacher's Guide

Learn how to transform literacy learning in your classroom, almost overnight. Find out:

  • How Mighty Writer came to be
  • how and why, it will have a massive and sudden impact on your children’s learning
  • how it will make your life as a teacher easier
  • how it co-exists with (and enhances) other teaching systems and methods

– it even includes a full lesson plan. Find out more today.

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Awards & Reviews 

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Voted the UK’s Best Primary Education Resource in 2018, Mighty Writer has gone on to win many more awards and rave reviews.

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