"You get to use it for loads of different things."
KS1 pupils Isla and William tell us how they use Mighty Writer to tell new and old stories.
Head Teachers
"We are a school for pupils aged 2 – 19 with severe learning difficulties and it has really engaged them in their learning. They are all enjoying going to the library and using it in a variety of ways – making up stories, extending their ideas and working on their sentence structure.
Mighty Writer is a fantastic hands on resource which enables our children to create exciting stories with increasing independence. Children of all abilities can participate, from choosing symbols to select the characters, settings and key objects all the way up to adding adverbs and choosing the correct punctuation."
Helen Elphick, Head Teacher, Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee School
"We have been using it in P1-3 and it is having such a positive effect. The ability to help younger learners structure their thinking and support their sequencing is phenomenal. I also particularly like how teachers can differentiate for learners using the range of grammar and punctuation tiles."
Mark Pitblado, Principal Teacher, Strathkinness and Guardbridge Primary Schools
"Teachers have reported very positively on the impact of this resource. Almost all SIMD (Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation) 1 and 2 children in primaries 1 to 4 have been considering sentence structure and punctuation more carefully and adding adjectives to their sentences to create more interesting and detailed text. The visual ways the sentences are presented has been instrumental in supporting better structuring. Teachers report a 78% increase in SIMD 1 and 2 children’s confidence and ability in writing since the introduction of Mighty Writer in P1/2 and P3/4."
Clare Deas, Head Teacher, Bridgend Primary School, West Lothian, Scotland
"We have found this resource to be extremely valuable to deliver both whole class writing sessions and small group interventions. The video on the website is a great starting point to familiarise TAs and other staff with the resource and we have found many applications for the product. With many international new arrival children, this is a key resource for building children's writing confidence and they really enjoy the visual aspect. A small investment that is certainly going a long way."
Jo Lindon, Head Teacher, Heathfield Primary School
"The children literally cheer when it they have an opportunity to use Mighty Writer! The staff really enjoy using it too; it took some time for them to build confidence, but pairing up and giving it a go has proved valuable. We have found that the children almost instinctively guide the sessions anyway.
We use the tool to support pre writing and I would actually say that my pre school nursery class are the actual experts. We also use it with reluctant writers but also with all ability groups linked to our work on meta cognition - thinking about how we learn and making links with what we already know.
Simply - thank you. This is transformative."
Gill Emmerson, Head of Pre Prep, Edge Grove School
"Thank you for your visit to our school recently. The staff were very motivated and impressed by Mighty Writer. The Year 1 teachers have started using the mats and in just 2 weeks we have already seen an improvement in the children's writing, especially the boys!"
Emma Foyle, Deputy Headteacher, Stourfield Infant School, Bournemouth
"I find the Mighty Writer resource an excellent way to motivate children to enhance their writing. I particularly like the fact that it boosts the confidence of those who struggle to put pencil to paper as they can tell a detailed story without the physical act of writing getting in the way of their creativity."
Louise Delargy, Deputy Head Teacher, Broxburn Primary School & Early Learning Centre
"We love it! The staff said only yesterday that they did not know how they taught without it! The impact has been immediate and to be fair the children have quickly become more engaged in writing!"
Carolyn Hookes-Gosney, Head of Pre-Prep, Barfield School
"So impressed with our first few days of Mighty Writer. The engagement was through the roof."
Rachel Brabban, Deputy Head and EYFS Teacher, Stanley Crook Primary
"They think it’s amazing! I went and observed the Year 1 class in the hall this morning and they were all writing complex sentences and could tell me how it was made up of verbs, adjectives, etc. Teachers even used the ‘love’ word!”
Head of KS1, Nottingham High School
"Mighty Writer is a well thought through, fabulous resource that - when used well - can significantly support pupils vocabulary and writing skills while reducing teacher workload. Love it!"
Helen Williams, Head Teacher
"Year 2 have had their first 'big write' since receiving their kit and...[there has been] immediate impact."
Melanie Cox, Head Teacher
"Looking forward to transforming children’s writing and ultimately their life chances with Mighty Writer and our new resources!"
Naomi Shrimpton, Head Teacher, Heathlands Primary Academy
"My school have 8 of your wonderful, wonderful Mighty Writer mats! I just wanted to say how amazing they are as a resource - the enjoyment & learning experiences the children get from them are just phenomenal. We had a Challenge Partners review last week. The reviewers were astounded by the knowledge of our reception children and their engagement in the lesson. They're coming back to have another look bringing their EYFS leads & deputy heads.”
Sam Pepper, Coopers Lane Primary
"Mighty Writer has truly impacted they way in which our children engage and learn during literacy. Engaging SEN can be a challenge for any teacher. I will never forget my first lesson using this amazing resource, some of the staff team had to leave the classroom because seeing the children engage and participate in story telling brought a tear of joy to their eye! A wow moment."
Cassie Loram-Martin, Teacher, School for Inspiring Talents
"Mighty Writer has quite literally transformed my children's writing. Not only is it interactive, visual and fun, but it targets the technical aspects of teaching writing in such a clever way, it's simply genius!
My year 2 children were completely sound with using a range of sentence starters and using accurate punctuation within 2 weeks of using Mighty Writer.
There isn't a child (or adult) in my class who doesn't do a little dance each time the Mighty Writer comes out! Thanks so much for creating such an effective, brilliant writing resource."
Andrea Pearce, Year 2 Form Tutor and Head Of English, St Wystan's School
"We introduced Mighty Writer after meeting David at the Bett Show 2019.
We've been bowled over by the immediate impact of the resource. Our Reception, Y1 and Y2 staff have all embraced it whole-heartedly and are finding innovate ways to maximise the impact of the resource.
Oral fluency is key to good writing and this resource gives children a structured and engaging way to retell, or create new stories. Whole class stories have been mapped out over the course of a unit of work and children confidently write independent pieces, 'magpie-ing' key features and sentence structures from the resource.
Individual groups of children have used the sentence clouds to develop high quality sentences in preparation for extended writes. The quality and quantity of work produced by independent writers, in particular reluctant writers, has been astounding.
This resource has slotted seamlessly into our school, supporting well-established programmes of study. It does not require huge investments of training and our team are meeting regularly to share good practice and agree on new initiatives, i.e. how to use symbols to simplify marking.
Thank you Mighty Writer we are huge advocates!"
Mr McTernan, Teacher, Abbey Catholic Primary School
"I just wanted to say thank you... I’ve been using Mighty Writer for a few weeks now to support the learners in my class and they love it! It is making an enormous difference to their writing; they are showing progress almost on a daily basis! Quite astounding - Vygotsky/Bruner’s theories of scaffolding learning exemplified.
I have an Improving Outcomes Officer coming to watch a lesson in a few weeks time as I am trying to encourage other schools in the region to buy your fabulous resource."
Lisa Martin, Teacher, Strathdevon Primary School
"The Mighty Writer resources have had a significant impact on the progress of writing for the children in Year 1. All children that were targeted made progress in writing from their starting points. 5/6 children left Reception with an Emerging outcome (1). There was a 20% rise in the number of Year 1 children meeting the expected standard for Year 1 this year (2018: 70%) from last year (2017: 50%)."
East Preston Infant School, West Sussex
“I just wanted to feed back to you how brilliant Mighty Writer is. Year 2 are having a Mighty Writer focus week. It is so motivating and the children are completely engaged, using the symbols to create some superb extended sentences and highlighting the different parts of sentence structure. At the end one child said “I want to be a story writer”, that says it all. Great find!”
Year 2 Teacher, Nottingham High School
"Mighty Writer has been a valuable tool to support planning and editing in a way that pupils have actively engaged with. I have observed improvements in the quality of writing of all ability levels within my class. This is a very flexible learning instrument."
Stuart McIntyre, Teacher, Broxburn Primary School & Early Learning Centre
"Mighty Writer really engaged even the reluctant writers."
Sarah Booker, Year 1 Teacher
"My school recently purchased Mighty Writer to complement the Talk for Writing approach. The teachers in Year 1 trialled it with the children using the space theme toolbar. The children completed a cold and hot task and the difference between the two is amazing. Mighty Writer enables the children to truly visualise the story."
Sherie Grant, KS1 Leader, Moorlands Primary School
"It had the biggest impact on the children’s writing."
Jinny Durant, Teacher
"A fantastic resource that really works!"
Abigail Redhead, Teacher
"My kids love Mighty Writer! Those that once dreaded writing LOVE writing now!"
Teacher, Murrayfield Primary
"My daughter...keeps telling me about Mighty Writer. She loves it - so much so she is asking Father Christmas for one!"
Ms Hurst, Parent
"An innovative, versatile and effective means of improving the literacy skills of many children, integrating as it does technical elements such as punctuation and grammar with a creative approach to story making."
Steve Bowkett, Author of children’s fiction and poetry
"Absolutely wonderful! I have been waiting a long time for a writing resource as good as this."
Literacy Adviser
"Quickly developed their ability to write more interesting sentences and use a wider range of punctuation!"
Wes Magee, Poet and children’s author
"I really like changing my story round and adding different bits to it. I found it easy to write my story afterwards."
Julianna, aged 6
"I am going to recommend that all the schools I advise start using Mighty Writer to improve our children’s writing."
Literacy Adviser
"This is amazing, he doesn't normally interact."
Parent of year 2 pupil
"The children quickly acquired the skills to become confident writers."
Surina Purice, EYFS Leader
"Both of my children got on very well with this resource. It matched their abilities well."
Parent of twin year 1 pupils
"The children who used Mighty Writer clearly made more progress. Their writing was also more sophisticated."
Carol Bayliss, parent
"I like it because it’s about storytelling and my class like storytelling."
Adam aged 4
"Evie has only been using it for 10 minutes but she’s picking it up very quickly."
Parent of year 1 pupil