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Key Literacy Skills for Year One Pupils

Importance of literacy skills in Year One

Literacy skills are crucial for a child's overall development, and Year One is a critical stage for laying the foundation of these skills. By the end of Year One, children should have acquired a range of literacy skills that will serve as building blocks for their future learning. In this article, we will explore the key literacy skills that a child should have at the end of year one.

Reading Skills: Ability to read and understand sentences, phonics knowledge

Book HeartBy the end of year one, children should be able to read and understand simple sentences. They should have a basic understanding of phonics and be able to use phonetic knowledge to decode words. Year One pupils should have a good grasp of letter-sound relationships and be able to apply this knowledge when reading and spelling words.

Writing Skills: Writing simple sentences, spelling and punctuation

Writing skills are equally important, and by the end of Year One, children should be able to write simple sentences with correct spelling and punctuation. They should be able to recognise and use capital letters, full stops, and other basic punctuation marks. Year One pupils should also be developing their handwriting skills, using correct letter formation and spacing.

Vocabulary and Communication Skills: Developing vocabulary, listening and speaking abilities

kid reading book sat on the floorIn Year One, children should be developing their vocabulary and be able to use a range of words to express themselves. They should also be able to listen to and follow instructions, as well as participate in classroom discussions. Building strong communication skills is essential for their overall literacy development.

Storytelling Skills: Retelling a simple story

By the end of Year One, children should have the ability to retell a simple story in their own words. This skill demonstrates their comprehension and understanding of narratives. It also allows them to express their creativity and imagination.

Grammar and Punctuation Skills: Understanding basic grammar rules, using capital letters and punctuation marks

By the end of Year One, children should have a good understanding of basic grammar rules. They should be able to use subject-verb agreement correctly and form plurals. Additionally, they should be able to use capital letters and punctuation marks appropriately in their writing.


Developing strong literacy skills in Year One is essential for a child's academic success. By the end of Year One, children should have acquired the ability to read and understand sentences, write simple sentences with proper spelling and punctuation, expand their vocabulary, retell stories, and understand basic grammar rules. These skills provide the foundation for their continued literacy development in Key Stage One and beyond.

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